Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sharepoint 2010 Release

Microsoft announced last Friday that SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 will RTM next month, in April 2010 & the official launch date is on May 12, 2010.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sharepoint Foundation Best Practices

Some of the best practices for SharePoint Foundation (WSS 4.0) are released on the microsoft site below.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Explore Infopath 2010 controls

Most of the controls are carried over from Infopath 2007. There are very few newly added controls, there is considerable enhancement to the existing controls.

Newly added controls

1. Date Control

2. Date and Time control

3. Picture Button


1. Hyperlink control

2. Formatting conditions

3. Rules can be configured through the ribbon, no more available as part of control properties.

Video talks more details on these controls.

Walkthrough of what’s new in Microsoft InfoPath 2010

Highlight of some new features added with Infopath 2010 are as follows.

1. Sections and Page Layouts

2. Ribbon interface

3. Control Tools allows to manage controls and their properties in the form

SharePoint Designer 2010 Components

This video gives a walkthrough of the sharepoint designer components.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

SharePoint 2010 Timer Jobs changes

SharePoint 2010 Timer Jobs undergoes changes in the management and in configuration.

Firstly, the most significant change you will see with the new version of SharePoint is the number of Timer Jobs – 21 new jobs been added. If for an ordinary SharePoint 2007 application we had 39 Timer’s Job, then we would have 60 Jobs for SharePoint 2010.

So, those 21 new timer jobs are:

1.Application Addresses Refresh Job
2.Audit Log Trimming
3.Delete Job History
4.Document ID enable/disable job
5.Document ID assignment job
6.Enterprise Server Search Master Job
7.Health Analysis Job
8.InfoPath Forms Services Maintenance
9.Password Management
10.Prepare query suggestions
11.Product Version Job
12.Query Logging
13.Secure Store Service Timer
14.Solution Daily Resource Usage Update
15.State Service Delete Expired Sessions
16.Timer Service Recycle
17.Web Analytics Trigger Workflows Timer Job
18.Windows SharePoint Services Usage Data Import
19.Windows SharePoint Services Usage Data Processing
20.Word Conversion Timer Job

We need to keep our fingers crossed to know more details about each of these new jobs when the public beta comes out in November. I am very excited to expose more about some of these new addition to SharePoint so do keep watching this space.

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010

An interesting video about the Microsoft Sharepoint Workspace 2010 which was formely known as Microsoft Groove. This video gives an brief introduction to the Microsoft Sharepoint workspace 2010, it's capabilities and similarity to Microsoft Groove.

Watch out the video at Sharepoint Workspace 2010

Enjoy !!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Custom Security Trimming in Sharepoint

Recently while working on one of the initiatives, I came across an developement need to restrict permissions on certain portions of an content page as against to the whole page itself. My scenario was I only needed people with Full Control and Contributors permission to see all contents of a page as against to Readers who see only some of the contents on that page. Another common example would be restricting some portion of the master page. I did explored object model role and roleassignment classes nothing looked to be promising and a complete solution for this situation.

Finally after reading through some of the msdn resources, I got aware that there is a security trimming control available to restrict permission on content page.

Wrap the following tag around the content that you want security trimmed, and SharePoint will manage security for you.

<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID=”SPSecurityTrimmedControlName″ PermissionsString=”BrowseDirectories” runat=”server”>

content that needs to be security trimmed goes here.


Please note that whats most important here is what goes inside the PermissionsString attribute. Following is a list of possible values:

List Permissions

Site Permissions

Finally I wanted to let everyone know that I would keep exposing some of these little custom developement tips and would also share some of my developement experience as an when I come across so do keep watching this space.